FDA Deadline Extended!

According to Don't Mess With Our Chocolate, the FDA has extended their comment period to May 25! If you haven't done it already, go to the FDA's comment section (tutorial) and tell them NOT to change their current definition of chocolate. (And it wouldn't hurt to email your friends about the issue, either!)
Need a refresher on what this is about? Check these links:
The Courage of Their Confections -- LA Times
Hershey Battles Chocolate Connoisseurs Over Selling `Mockolate' -- Bloomberg News
An Argument Against 'Heathly' Chocolate -- NPR's Talk of the Nation (audio)
YEA! You got the Temper Chocolates when hubs was in Boston!! Got my links up for this too.. No way in HELLO that anyone is getting their hands on my chocolate.
I DID and thank you so much for the tip!!! Shane is in Boston again this week and promised to stop by there again before he comes home. They are AMAZING chocolates.
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