Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Untitled Pretzel, Marshmallow, M&M Project

These are the easiest, and one of the tastiest, little treats you can make. You can whip up a huge batch in under 10 minutes, and if you bring them to a party, people will love you. There's something about the combination of salty, crunchy pretzels, paired with chewy marshmallows and the sweetness of chocolate that makes taste buds swoon.

The only thing is that I don't have an all-purpose name for them. Sadie came up with Shrunken Monkey Heads for the Halloween Party, but that wouldn't really fly at a Christmas bash, would it?

Got name suggestions? Post 'em in the comments!

Untitled Pretzel, Marshmallow, M&M Project

mini marshmallows
mini pretzels

Place pretzels on a large, flat plate lined with parchment. Place marshmallows in each of the pretzels' holes. Microwave the marshmallow-filled pretzels until the 'mallows swell in size, approximately 15 to 20 seconds.

Pull the pretzels from the microwave and, working quickly, press an M&M into the center of each marshmallow. Allow to cool. Store in an airtight container.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Strawberry Layer Cake

The only time a presentation like this is appropriate is for a Halloween party. Or, maybe, when celebrating Charles Manson's birthday.

My favorite part of Halloween is the candy. Candy makes me swoon. And the opportunity of getting mounds of it simply by dressing up, knocking on a few doors and saying "TRICK OR TREAT!" was always too tempting to pass up. I went every year as a kid (except the one year when I was punished and FORBIDDEN to go trick or treating -- probably the same awful year I had Mrs. Demperio for my teacher) I'm pretty sure I went a few times in high school and I know it didn't take much prompting from my Freshman year college roommate to whip up a headband adorned with paper triangles and go knocking on doors around Brockport. (After that year, I transferred to Marymount Manhattan and, alas, knocking on doors on Halloween in NYC was unlikely to yield the candy I sought. Other stuff, maybe, but not candy.)

So when Shane suggested we throw a Halloween party (and, faced with the challenge of making, and finding people to eat, Bostini Cream Pies) I knew sugar had to be a key factor. The theme was dessert -- all sugar, all the time. (Well, OK -- there were a few savories, but they weren't attacked with the ferocity of the dessert buffet.) Our friends brought tons of treats: Honor made gorgeous coconut pyramids, Phyllis brought warm-n-cozy apple crisp, Jenny baked up her grandmother's apple pie recipe (the BEST apple pie I have ever tasted), Nancy whipped up chocolate decadence cupcakes (frosted orange!) Beth & James plated elegant cookies with rubber tarantulas and Lauren came bearing vanilla ice cream to accompany everything!

As for me, I made the Bostinis, gingerbread pumpkin bars (via Culinary Concoctions by Peabody -- more on that later this week), little marshmallow-pretzel-M&M snacks I don't have a name for (again, more on that later), and this Strawberry Layer Cake. (Also, two giant bowls of Halloween candy, which both the kids and adults put a nice dent in.)

The cake recipe comes from Sweets: Soul Food Desserts & Memories by Patty Piner. The cake is pictured on the cover, and it's what made me buy the book. I'd been looking for an excuse to bake it, and the party gave the opportunity.

Strawberry, though certainly not an unusual flavor, is not one normally found in cake which, I think, is part of this cake's appeal. It's hard to miss -- and not love -- it's vivid pink color.

The cake is pretty sweet, but not cloyingly so (unless you eat a huge piece without a cold glass of milk), and has with the lovely fruity and perfumey flavor and scent of strawberries. It's fresh and delicious. The crumb is tender, yet sturdy enough to stand up to the stiff frosting (though I probably should have added more juice to thin it a bit and make it easier to spread).

Don't be put off by some of the ingredients. Even though the recipe employs cake mix AND Jell-O, the cake doesn't taste like pre-fab factory food. It just tastes very, very good.

My My's Strawberry Layer Cake (adapted from Sweets: Soul Food Desserts & Memories by Patty Piner)

1 (18.5 oz.) box white cake mix (without pudding)
1 (3 oz.) package strawberry Jell-O
1 Tbsp. self-rising flour
1 Tbsp + 1 tsp. sugar
3/4 c. vegetable oil
4 eggs
1/2 cup water
5 oz. frozen strawberries, thawed and well drained (juices reserved)


5 oz. frozen strawberries, thawed and well drained (juices reserved)
2 lbs. confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
red food coloring, optional

Preheat the oven to 350-degrees F. Lightly grease and flour three 8-inch cake pans; set aside.

For the cake, combine cake mix, Jell-O, flour, and sugar, mixing well. Add oil. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add water and strawberries; mix well (the strawberries will break up nicely).

Divide the batter evenly between the pans and bake 25 - 30 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool the layers in their pans on a wire rack for 10 minutes, then unmold each layer onto the racks to cool completely.

To make the frosting, combine the strawberries, sugar, and butter and beat until smooth and well blended. If needed, add the reserved juice, one tablespoon at a time, until a frosting-like consistency is achieved. If desired, add food coloring, one drop at a time, and blend until the color is uniform.
Transfer the cake layers onto a serving platter one at a time, trimming to level if necessary. Frost between each layer, on top of the cake, and around the cake's sides.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Bostini Cream Pies

This month's Daring Bakers' Challenge was a dessert I'd never heard of before: Bostini Cream Pies. Our host, Mary from Alpineberry, explained, "Bostini cream pie, like the name implies, is a twist on the traditional Boston cream pie. The dessert is vanilla custard topped with an orange chiffon cake and then drizzled with a chocolate glaze."

I think of it as a "special occasion" dessert -- rather involved, very decadent, extremely impressive and, naturally, delicious. The custard is unbelievably creamy with a luxuriously silky mouth-feel. The chiffon cake is bright and zesty with orange and while light and airy, it provides an excellent counter note to the custard and darkly rich chocolate sauce.

The recipe below yields "8 generous portions" but, because we threw a Halloween Dessert party this past weekend (more on that later) I wanted smaller individual portions as part of a dessert buffet. To that end, using the same proportions below, I baked the chiffon batter in a mini cupcake pan (this took about 12 minutes to bake), and put the rest of the batter in a 9-inch cake pan, baked for about 22 minutes, and then sliced into small square pieces of cake after the cake had cooled. (If I had to do it again, I would bake the chiffon only in the cake pan; I think the slightly larger size of my cake pieces stood up better against the custard and chocolate.)

Because this dessert is so rich, I think it lends itself to smaller portions. That way, you can savor each of the decadent components yet not be overwhelmed by size of the dessert.

Incidentally, I made the custard on Wednesday evening, the cakes Friday afternoon, and the chocolate sauce minutes before the party started Saturday afternoon. Everything came together beautifully.

Food at a Halloween party has to have an appropriate name...

Bostini Cream Pie
(from Donna Scala & Kurtis Baguley of Bistro Don Giovanni and Scala's Bistro)
Makes 8 generous servings



3/4 cup whole milk
2 3/4 tablespoons cornstarch
1 whole egg, beaten
9 egg yolks, beaten
3 3/4 cups heavy whipping cream
1/2 vanilla bean (EDITED: vanilla extract is okay)
1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon sugar

Chiffon Cake

1 1/2 cups cake flour
3/4 cup superfine sugar
1 1/3 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup canola oil
1/3 cup beaten egg yolks (3 to 4 yolks)
3/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 1/2 tablespoons grated orange zest
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup egg whites (about 8 large)
1 teaspoon cream of tartar

Chocolate Glaze

8 ounces semi or bittersweet chocolate
8 ounces unsalted butter


To prepare the custard:

Combine the milk and cornstarch in a bowl; blend until smooth. Whisk in the whole egg and yolks, beating until smooth. Combine the cream, vanilla bean and sugar in a saucepan and carefully bring to a boil. When the mixture just boils, whisk a ladleful into the egg mixture to temper it, then whisk this back into the cream mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Strain the custard and pour into 8 large custard cups. Refrigerate to chill.

To prepare the chiffon cakes:

Preheat the oven to 325°F. Spray 8 molds with nonstick cooking spray. You may use 7-ounce custard cups, ovenproof wide mugs or even large foil cups. Whatever you use should be the same size as the custard cups.

Sift the cake flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Add the oil, egg yolks, orange juice, zest and vanilla. Stir until smooth, but do not overbeat.

Beat the egg whites until frothy. Add the cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks form. Gently fold the beaten whites into the orange batter. Fill the sprayed molds nearly to the top with the batter.

Bake approximately 25 minutes, until the cakes bounce back when lightly pressed with your fingertip. Do not overbake. Remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack. When completely cool, remove the cakes from the molds. Cover the cakes to keep them moist.

To prepare the glaze:

Chop the chocolate into small pieces. Place the butter in a saucepan and heat until it is just about to bubble. Remove from the heat; add the chocolate and stir to melt. Pour through a strainer and keep warm.

To assemble:

Cut a thin slice from the top of each cake to create a flat surface. Place a cake flat-side down on top of each custard. Cover the tops with warm chocolate glaze. Serve immediately.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Retro Recipe Challenge # 9 Deadline TODAY!

Just a quick reminder that today is your last chance to submit a post for RRC#9: The Candyman; the deadline is midnight PDT . Please visit Dolores at this month's host blog, Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity , for more details.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Brazilian Style Flan

I'd never made flan before so, when Shane requested it for his birthday (Oct. 12) I was a bit nervous. Luckily, though, it turned out to be surprisingly easy using this Epicurious community recipe (thanks, angelheart04!).

The hardest part is maintaining patience while waiting for the sugar to caramelize. Over low heat, it took me a good 35 minutes to achieve a light golden color. After that though, it was a piece of cake -- or, slice of flan?

And the taste? Cool, creamy, rich -- flantastic.

Brazilian Style Flan
1 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup water
1 (14oz)Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
3 Eggs
2 Cups milk
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract (optional)

In a small pan, combine sugar and water, and boil rapidly until a light golden color.
Pour sugar into the pan of your choice, my husband likes when I use a bunt-pan but the curves make it a little trickier. Any basic pie pan will due. Coat the bottom and sides. Let cool; it will be hard set.

*TIP: The easiest way to ruin your flan is by burning your sugar. Take your time and use a lower heat so the sugar wont come out too hard.

Preheat oven to 350-degrees F. In a bowl, mix condensed milk, eggs & milk together. Add the vanilla now if using; mix batter well.

Place pie dish into a large roasting pan and set on oven rack. Pour flan mixture into the pie dish, then add enough hot water to the roasting pan so that the water comes halfway up sides of pie dish. The flan shouldn't float. Bake flan in water bath for 90 minutes, until set in center. Let cool, then cover and chill overnight.
The flan can be made a couple days ahead.

To serve:
Run a knife (or even better, a rubber spatula) around the edges to loosen. Place a serving plate that's a little bigger than the pie pan on top of the pie pan, and flip upside down. Gently remove the pie pan and cut the flan into sliced portions to serve.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thai Spiced Barbeque Shrimp

Perhaps the most delicious way to prepare shrimp.

Thai Spiced Barbeque Shrimp (adapted)
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 teaspoons curry paste (Shane used a hot, red curry paste)
1 pound medium shrimp, deveined but not peeled

In a shallow dish or resealable bag, mix together the lemon juice, soy sauce, mustard, garlic, brown sugar and curry paste. Add shrimp, and seal or cover. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat a grill for high heat. When the grill is hot, lightly oil the grate. Thread the shrimp onto skewers, or place in a grill basket for easy handling. Transfer the marinade to a saucepan, and boil for a few minutes.

Grill shrimp for 3 minutes per side, or until opaque. Baste occasionally with the marinade.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pomegranate Martinis

You know who I don't like? Oprah.

I mean, I like that she's at the top of a field that normally rejects women, African-Americans, and people who have a BMI higher than 18. And I like that she's made a zillion dollars doing what she loves and chooses to spend a lot of her cash on people who need it more than she does.

But, she also thinks she's God.
There. I've said it. Oprah has a God complex. And much like God, Oprah is everywhere. I've had enough. (Of Oprah, not necessarily God.)

However, she does like a damn fine martini. Nancy made Oprah's Pomegranate martinis for the party and we drank many, many, many of them. They're beyond delicious.

So maybe, maybe, Oprah is the god of cocktails. (Opracchus?)

Pomegranate Martinis (adapted)
1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice
2 oz. Patron Silver tequila
1 oz. Cointreau liquor
Cup of ice

Shake ingredients in a shaker and put in chilled martini glasses. Put pomegranate fruit into glass as garnish. Serves 2.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Vosges' Mo's Bacon Bar

Chocolate + salt + bacon pieces = Mo's Bacon bar.

I really like the combination of sweet and salty. Chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate chip cookies with a slightly salty hit, and salted caramels are all up my alley.

So I nearly dropped dead when I spotted Mo's Bacon Bar at Parkleigh. Chocolate and Bacon? ("You got chocolate in my bacon!" "Hey, you got bacon in my chocolate!") I was already a fan of Vosges' milk chocolate, a smooth, creamy concoction. I can imagine some might find it too sweet, but I like it very much.
Biting into the Mo's bar, the chocolate has a decent snap. The first flavor that hits you is the chocolate, followed quickly by smoky salt notes. A very tasty combination.

And then you realise you're eating bacon. Once the chocolate melts away, you're left with little chewy bits of bacon and it's a texture I don't care for in the context of chocolate. It puts me off so much that I can't fully enjoy the flavor of the bar.

So, overall: good flavor, weird texture. I think Vosges could achieve a similar flavor profile -- without using pork -- by swapping the bacon for smoked almond bits. The bar would still combine sweet, smoky, and salty elements but the crunch of the almonds would be a nice contrast to the yielding texture of the chocolate.

Then again, "Mo's Smoky Almond Bar" just doesn't have the same impact.

Nancy's Spinach & Mushroom-dressed Linguine

My friend Nancy made this FABULOUS pasta for the party. I can't even describe how fan-freakin-tastic it is. I ate the leftovers for breakfast and dinner on Sunday, and we all ate it for dinner last night.

There is one serving left. It is mine.


The following is written by Nancy, pictured below:

Laura's 30th Birthday Linguine

One and a quarter boxes of Barilla Linguine
One and a quarter pounds crimini (white button) mushrooms
Three portabella mushrooms
Three bunches of spinach
One head and three cloves of garlic (I used purple and white garlic)
One mild sweet onion (about as big as a baseball)
One stick of butter (or more depending on your taste)
One-quarter cup of Parmesan cheese, grated
Olive Oil
A splash of white wine
Herbes d'Provence

Melt about one-half stick of butter slowly over less than medium heat in a medium to large-sized skillet. Slice garlic very thin (think Ray Liotta in Goodfellas) and chop onion and then place both in skillet.

Start slicing mushrooms (this is important—do not wash the mushrooms—I learned this from my friend Cathy Chou). Once garlic is browned and onion is softened begin adding sliced mushrooms to mixture. At this point, you may need to add some more butter to keep mushrooms moist.

Add a pinch of salt as mushrooms cook (this opens their flavor), add about a teaspoon of Herbs d'Provence (HP) and a 1/2 teaspoon of parsley. As mushrooms cook, add more. You may need to add more butter, but definitely drizzle more salt on the new cooking mushrooms, some more HP and parsley.

Begin chopping spinach—wash thoroughly in a colander. Once mushrooms are cooked through, add about a quarter-cup of Parmesan cheese. Add it slowly so the juice from the mushroom/garlic/onion mixture can absorb it and you don't add too much! You don't want the mixture to be thick, but slightly loose and free.

Remove the mushroom mixture from the skillet and place in a bowl. Add about two teaspoons of olive oil and then begin adding spinach. Once spinach is cooked through, add the mushroom mixture back into the skillet and then add a titch more butter and a splash or two of white wine.

While this is simmering, boil water for macaronis. When water begins to boil, add olive oil (instead of salt—the mushroom/spinach mixture is salty enough) and then add the linguine. Cook for 11 minutes—al dente!!!

Then drain the linguine and place in the skillet with the mushroom/spinach mixture. Place in bowl and serve with Parmesan cheese on the side and a good crusty Italian bread with butter.

Serves about 8 (or ten--12 if this is a first course and there will be an entrée).

Monday, October 15, 2007

Grilled Oysters with Fennel Butter

Normally, I am not an oyster fan. But God, throw a bunch of butter, fennel seeds, garlic and shallots on top -- how can they not be loved?

Shane and his Commie oysters.

Grilled Oysters with Fennel Butter, adapted

1 tsp. fennel seed, ground
1 c. butter, softened
1 Tbsp. shallots, minced
1 Tbsp. garlic, minced (or to taste)
1 Tbsp. chopped fennel greens
1 tsp. ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
24 unopened, fresh, live medium oysters

Prepare and light a grill or preheat the oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C).

In a small bowl, blend together the butter, ground fennel seeds, shallots, garlic, fennel greens, pepper and salt.

Arrange the oysters on the grill or oven rack, cover and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until they start hissing and begin to open.

Using an oyster knife, pry each oyster open at the hinge, loosen the oyster and discard the flat shell. Top each oyster with 1/2 teaspoon of the fennel butter. Return to grill and cook until butter is melted and hot.

Birthday Food Frenzy!

Click image for more party pics.

This past weekend, Shane invited a few friends over to celebrate my 30th birthday. It was terrific! And delicious! You will not believe the food they made:

Pomegranate Martinis
Grilled Oysters with Fennel Butter
Thai Spiced BBQ Shrimp
BBQ Halibut Steaks
Spinach & Mushroom-dressed Fettucini
Russian Tomato Salad
Beer bread
Deviled Eggs

All so amazing. Thank you, guys!
Recipes to come!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pescatore's Prize Winning Double-Layer Pumpkin Pie

I know it would have been better have a photo of the pie showing the double layers but I forgot. What are you going to do?
The pumpkin shape on top was made gently pressing a cookie cutter into a graham cracker half.

About a year ago, Mark Pescatore (whom I occasionally write for) send me a recipe for his double layer pumpkin pie. The recipe was accompanied by this note:

"Oh so tasty. You may never bake a pumpkin pie again."

OK -- I will bake pumpkin pies again (I mean, really), but his recipe really is tasty. It even won second place in last weekends' Fall into Canandaigua Festival. (Side rant: apple crumb took first?!? )

The only change I made to the recipe was to use a home-made graham cracker crust, but a store-bought one will work just as nicely.

Pescatore's Prize Winning Double Layer Pumpkin Pie

Graham cracker crust, store bought or homemade (scroll down)

3 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 cup + 1 Tbsp cold milk or half & half, separated
1 Tbsp sugar
1 1/2 cups whipped topping, thawed

2 pkgs. (4-serving size) vanilla instant pudding
15 oz. pumpkin puree
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. ground cloves

Mix cream cheese, 1 Tbsp. milk, and sugar with wire whisk until smooth. Gently stir in whipped topping. Spread on bottom of crust.

Pour 1 cup milk into mixing bowl. Add pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk until well blended, 1-2 minutes. Let stand 3 minutes. Stir in pumpkin and spices; mix well. Spread over cream cheese layer. Refrigerate at least 2 hours. Garnish with additional whipped topping and nuts as desired.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Slow Cooked Chicken with 40 Garlic Cloves

This is a Wegmans' recipe: it's not bad but it's nothing to write home about, either. It made a ton of sauce/gravy, far more than we could use and the whole thing was rather bland. (Sort of like hospital food.) All in all, not a winner.

Slow-Cooked Chicken with 40 Cloves (adapted)

1 pkg (approx 3 lbs) of chicken pieces (breasts, thighs, legs)
1 Tbsp vegetable Oil
2 cups total carrots, celery, onion -- chopped
40 cloves garlic, peeled whole Food You Feel Good About Peeled Garlic
6 Tbsp all-purpose flour, plus more for dredging
2 cups dry white wine
32 oz chicken stock
2 tsp dried Herbes de Provence
2 medium bay leaves
1/2 cup fresh Italian parsley sprigs, rinsed and patted dry
salt and pepper

Dust chicken with a bit of flour.

Heat oil on medium in large braising pan. Brown chicken pieces lightly on all sides, 8-10 min. Remove chicken; place in slow cooker.

Turn heat to medium-low; add carrots, celery, onion and garlic to braising pan. Cook 10-12 min, stirring occasionally, or until garlic is lightly browned. Stir in 6 Tbsp. flour, add wine and stock; bring to simmer, stirring until thickened.

Pour wine/stock mixture over chicken in slow cooker. Add bay leaves and herbes de Provence, stir slightly to mix.

Cover; cook 3-4 hours on HIGH or 6-7 hours on LOW. Transfer chicken to serving platter. Remove bay leaves. Stir parsley into sauce; season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over chicken and serve.

Recipe featured in Wegmans Menu Magazine, Fall 2002.

Nutrition Info: Each serving (2 pieces chicken, 1 2/3 cup sauce) contains 510 calories, 27g carbohydrate (3g fiber), 53g protein, 24g fat (8g saturated fat), 190mg cholesterol and 640mg sodium.

Serves: 4 - 6 Active Time: 25 min Total Time: 3 hours 30 min to 6 hours 30 min

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

LRK's Chicken Marsala

It's been about a month since the kids started school -- and extra-curricular activities -- again, I'm back to teaching, and Shane continues working at his new job. So life is suddenly busy.

A little over a year ago, we moved from Geneva to Canandaigua because -- damn, y'all* -- I needed to GET OUT of that town. And, Shane, after living and working there for 13 years -- the longest he's stayed in any one place in his entire life -- was ready for a change, too.

(I know lots of people love it. But it's way too small and insulated for me. It's the kind of town where you can buy a shirt in the morning and by that afternoon, everyone knows what color it is. And while it has lots of things going for it, it's not for me. )

The kids continue to go to school there as their mom lives there (did you catch a third reason?) and it was just easier to do so. When Shane worked in Geneva, he'd take the kids to school in the morning on his way to work (about a 20 minute commute) and then I'd pick them up in the afternoon. But now that Shane works in Rochester (which is in the opposite direction of the kids' school), I take & pick up the kids from school, so my time to do other things when I'm at home is reduced.

It doesn't sound like much, but being a livery driver can add up to 2 hours per day, which is 2 hours I don't have to do other stuff. Like grade papers, vacuum, mop, dust, do laundry and, oh yes, COOK. (Going to the gym and showering afterward, though, remains a priority -- I like being a dress size smaller, and would like to keep it that way. I also like smelling nice and showering accomplishes that.)

So it's not bad, but it's hectic. And I'm scrambling to find meals to cook that are delicious, satisfying, not fat-laden nor a billion calories, and come together quickly.

It's with this attitude that I threw together some Chicken Marsala last week, adapting a few recipes I'd found. Not only was it fast and simple to make, it hit the spot.

Now, if only the house would clean itself.

*As a born and bred New Yorker, I feel weird using that little phrase from south of the Mason-Dixon line. But as it's creeping into the general American vernacular , I guess I'll use it from time to time.

LRK's Chicken Marsala

Flour, salt & pepper
2 Tbsp. olive oil
3 Tbsp butter, separated
1 lb chicken
1 lb sliced mushrooms (I used baby portabellas)
3 large cloves garlic, minced
1 1/4 cups chicken stock
¾ cup. Marsala wine
2 Tbsp half-n-half

Lightlydredge cutlets in flour seasoned with salt and pepper.

Heat olive oil and a tablespoon of butter in pan to medium-high; add cutlets. Turn over when cutlet changes color one-quarter of way up and seared side is a golden brown. Flip and cook other side until browned. Transfer cutlets to clean plate and set aside.

Reduce heat to medium and add mushrooms, garlic and and a tablespoon of butter to pan, stirring occasionally, being careful the garlic doesn't burn. Cook about 3 min, until softened and browned. Stir in Marsala, stock, and half and half. Add cutlets; reduce heat to LOW.
Cook 6-7 min until cutlets are done (should have an internal temperature of 165 degrees F). If sauce is thin, continue cooking so that it may reduce, or add a bit of cornstarch to thicken. Transfer cutlets to clean serving platter and serve with sauce.