Monday, December 17, 2007

Pescatore's "World's Greatest Tuna Noodle Casserole"

An email from Mark, verbatim:

It was one of those awkward social mixers at the beginning of my first semester at The University of Alabama in 1990. All the grad students were invited to the home of the one of the professors, so we could get to know each other and meet some of the faculty before the real fun began. It was here that I tasted the world's greatest tuna noodle casserole. The dish came from the girlfriend of one of my new classmates, and she shared the recipe with me. It takes about an hour from prep to serve. It's not a complicated recipe at all, but the results are ... well, the world's greatest. In 17 years, it's never let me down.

1 can tuna (drained)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can peas
8 or 9 oz. noodles (I prefer wide)
1 can french fried onions
3/4 cup milk
8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese

Boil noodles and drain. In casserole dish, mix in tuna, soup, milk, cheddar cheese. Add the noodles, then 1/2 the can of french fried onions. Delicately stir in peas (you don't want them mushy). Bake uncovered at 325 degrees for 25 minutes. Sprinkle remaining onions on top and put back in the oven for five minutes at 300 degrees.



  1. Oh I am so making this tonight for dinner! It is cold and blustery here today and all I want is a big bowl of comfort food. Now I can't wait for dinner!!

  2. I hope you like it!
    There was some synchronicity with this recipe, too: for a couple of weeks I'd been craving tuna noodle casserole (for the same reasons as you) but I didn't have a particular recipe in mind.

    And then, out of the blue, with no communication with him on this, Mark sends me this recipe. (Dun, dun, DUN!!!)

  3. My husband adores tuna casserole. This sounds easy and tasty!

  4. My boyfriend is one of those guys that has a "Man Period" lol I know this sounds crazy but he gets all pissy and emotional and the only thing that keeps him in a good mood is tuna! He kept telling me babe I want tuna I want tuna and i knew he was gonna start getting grouchy so i found this. At first he was like whats this then when he ate it he kinda gave me that look like "marry me now you god of culinary" look. God this sounds cheezy but Man that foot rub I got later was amazing and this recipe was so easy I felt like I cheated.


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