Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Very Cool Tool at a Very Cool Price

I've been tooling around the American Science & Surplus site, which is filled with all sorts of little goodies at very resonable prices, when I came across this:

Butane Beauty
It's stylish, it's handy, it has a slightly menacing look to it, and-truth be told-it's a lot of fun. It's a handheld butane torch, great for everyone: in the lab, under the hood, working with circuitry, melting copper and other metals; heck, a chef can even use it to flambé the dessert. 6-3/4" tall, 1-1/2" dia base, 4" long at the top, with a textured grip, push-button start with safety, and air adjustment to control the size of the flame. Easy to fill with butane, which you'll need to do 'cause no fuel is included. $14.95 each.

A creme brulee torch for $15?!? That's pretty impressive, especially when you consider how much they can go for elsewhere. Not a bad little gift for your favorite chef/pyromaniac on your list.


  1. Science Surplus is fabulous, isn't it?

    The thing to consider with this torch, though, is the amount of heat it puts out ... which isn't all that much. Butane doesn't burn as hot as propane, which means that you're going to spend more time heating things, which can be quite annoying. I've got a butane torch ... and wish for propane.

  2. Hmm, that's good to know -- thanks for pointing that out!


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