Sunday, April 01, 2007

Easter Recipes and Fun

This year's inspiration: Martha Stewart's Sugar Cookies.
I'm going to make 'em this year, dammit!

I really like Easter because A) a big part of it has to do with candy and B) it's sort of the kick-off for Spring. (Easter is less fun, however, when you start to think about the whipping and crucifixtion. Even if it's illustrated with chocolate.)

Hmm. I think I've written myself into a corner here. How does one segue from religious martydom to Peeps?

Ah. There we go. Thanks, Google Image Search. (Mmm, sacrilicious.)



Sweets for Breakfast
Raspberry Cream Cheese Buns (muffins, really)

After eating an entire chocolate bunny, I feel the need to eat a vegetable
Simple Roasted Asparagus

But the vegetable should be kind of sweet
Roasted Balsamic Sweet Potatoes


  1. I forgot that you are the other card carrying member of the Peeps fan club besides me.

  2. Straight to Hell, girl!! LOL--XX Mom

  3. I am STILL giggling over Homer's sacralicious. haaaaa!

  4. THAT PICTURE MADE MY DAY! Thank you! (did I just hear lightining?)


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