Thursday, November 30, 2006

On the Record about Cookin' In the 'Cuse

God, do I feel sterotypical doing this: here I am, blogging about an interview on blogging.

I just got off the phone with a Syracuse journalism student (I don't want to name her, because I didn't ask if I could) doing a profile on Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the author of Cookin' in the 'Cuse. I link to Jennifer's site, and vice versa, and so I guess that made me a decent source.

I hope I did Jennifer's blog justice, but all I could keep thinking was that this student's assignment is the exact same assignment my Journalism students are working on right now (the profile piece), and I suck at giving good quotes. And I used the adjective "very" way too many times. AND I actually used the term "blogosphere" which I hate. All in all, if this reporter uses my quotes, I'm pretty sure I'll come across as someone you'll want to smack.

So Jennifer, allow me to say this: I love your blog, I love your commitment to using local and organic foods in cooking, and I hope I conveyed that in the interview.

1 comment:

  1. Laura Rebecca--you should see the grin on my face--Thank you! Thank you for the profile--I'm sure it was fine. But she sure is thorough--I think my Mom, a priest friend, and several parishioners were also interviewed. I can't wait to read it--I may learn some things about myself.

    On another note--we have got to do some kind of CNY foodblogger gathering in the spring--I can't wait to meet you!


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