Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Stuffed Artichokes

Posts will be a bit spotty this week and next; it's the end-of-the-semester crunch (grading papers) plus an out of town trip (moderating panels).

Until things get back to normal, I'd like to share this recipe for stuffed artichokes. I picked it up in an Italian Cooking class and have made it countless numbers of times. It never disappoints.

It takes a bit of effort but, trust me, it's worth it.

Stuffed Artichokes

4 artichokes
4 TBS fresh basil, minced
2 cup unseasoned breadcrumbs
1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 cup or more (probably much more) Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
2 tsp. chopped garlic
S&P to taste

Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Boil chokes in salted water for 15 mins. Drain and allow to cool.
Remove stems and set aside Trim the tops of the leaves and scoop out the choke. Sprinkle center of chokes with a little oil & salt.

Peel stems and chop finely. In a bowl, combine Parmesan, breadcrumbs, basil, garlic, oil and choke stems. (Add extra oil if dry.) Stuff each choke with filling, place in well-oiled baking dish, drizzle with EVOO, and cook for 30 mins. or until done. The artichokes are done when a knife slides easily into the base of the choke. Serve immediately.

Grade: A+

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