Monday, December 11, 2006

Five Days Left 'till the RRC#5 Deadline!

When I rolled out this challenge, I said that I loved Christmas-time but found it stressful. And this year is no different: Christmas is fifteen days away, I haven't finished my shopping, I have 4 packages to send out, I have a mound of papers to correct, there's family coming in for a visit on Thursday, my house needs a thorough cleaning -- the list goes on.

So help me and everyone else under the Christmas Crunch relax by sending in your retro drink or boozy recipe to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom by Friday, December 15 at 11:59pm EST. Full details and resources can be found here. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I know exactly what you are saying. Things have been so hectic for me that lately I can't even seem to find time at work to cruise through my favorite food blogs. Sheesh @ the telephone! Don't these people have better things to do than bug me at work? A margarita would indeed be nice for lunch. ;)


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