Saturday, August 08, 2009

Ultimate Finger Lakes Burger Challenge at the Canandaigua Farmers' Market

Slice Dice & Spice NY is an effort by Visit Finger Lakes to promote local food. They're hosting three farmers' market challenges in which a total of nine foodies shop their local market to find ingredients to build the Ultimate Finger Lakes Burger. Once all the events are completed, recipes & photos will be posted to the Slice, Dice & Spice NY site and open to online voting. Click here for info.

I was lucky enough to be included in the event and had such a good time!

Gale, Chris and I were worked with Chef David Buchanan from Bristol Harbor at the Canandaigua Farmers' Market Challenge. Chef David is so talented, thoughtful and all-around awesome that Shane & I are already planning a trip to Bristol Harbor for dinner.

If interested, you can view video of the event (my butt makes an appearance around minute 3:15 -- whee!) and more pictures (in which I look nefarious, because THE CAMERA DOESN'T LIE).

BIG thank yous to Chef David, Gale, Chris and, especially, the hard-working folks at Slice, Dice & Spice NY!

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