Sunday, May 24, 2009

Khatte Chole

Another chick pea recipe! But, this is the last one for a long while because I'm not sure how chickpeas could taste more delicious than in this dish.

This recipe comes from Madhur Jaffrey's classic cookbook, Indian Cooking. I stumbled on it via a discussion on Shapely Prose (linking to this recipe) and, not only is it delicious (bury-your-face-in-your-plate delicious), but it's inexpensive and easy to make.

I adapted it slightly from the original to use canned chickpeas rather than dried, and added a teaspoon more of Garam Masala.

Khatte Chole (Sour Chickpeas)

2 cans chickpeas, drained with liquid reserved
3 onions, chopped
2.5 tsp salt
1 green chili, chopped
1Tbsp. ginger, grated
4 Tbsp. lemon juice
6 Tbsp. oil
2 tomatoes, skinned
1Tbsp. coriander
1 Tbsp. cumin
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 Tbsp. garam masala
1/4 tsp cayenne

In a small bowl, mix together 1/2 tsp salt, chili, ginger, lemon juice, and 2 TBS onion, chopped fine; set aside.

In a heavy skillet, heat oil over medium heat and add remaining onion. Fry about 10 minutes, until onions begin to brown. Add tomatoes and cook another 10 minutes, mashing with back of a spoon.

Add spice, stir and let cook 30 secs. Add chickpeas, salt and chickpea liquid plus enough water to equal 1 ¾ cups Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce to low heat, cover and let simmer about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove skillet from heat, and stir in reserved salt, chili, ginger, lemon, onion. Serve hot or at room temperature.


  1. It definitely sounds delicious to me!

  2. Hey Laura!

    Sanjay and I love this dish too...we add some fresh coriander just at the end, instead of the dried makes such a huge difference!


  3. The Khatte chole looks amazing and it will be tasty too. this recipe also seems to be nutritious. I would love to try that when my kids will be at home. Thanks for the recipe.


    my site


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