Friday, August 17, 2007

Easy Lemon Mousse

Even though I'm pretty sick of seeing Rachel Ray EVERYWHERE, her recipe for easy lemon mousse is easy and pretty tasty, though a bit looser in consistency than a regular mousse.

For a fresher, brighter flavor, buy a lemon or two to zest and then add the peel to the mousse (keep tasting until you've got the right amount).

Easy Lemon Mousse
2 packages lemon instant pudding
Milk, amount depends on pudding brand, check panel on box
2 cups heavy cream, whipped
2 rounded tablespoons sugar
1/2 pint berries, for garnish
Store bought butter cookies or shortbread rounds

In a medium bowl, stir pudding and milk and set aside. Beat whipping cream and sugar until peaks form. Add about 1/4 of the whipped cream to the pudding and gently fold it in to lighten it. Fold the remaining whipped cream into pudding and serve in small bowls or cocktail glasses on an underliner plate. Place a few berries on each dessert to garnish and serve a few cookies on the underliner plates.

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