Friday, August 17, 2007

Birthday Celebration

No margaritas, but we still had a good time!

(If you're wondering, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth; I'm just suffering from blog malaise.)

Last Saturday, my friend Nancy came over for her birthday dinner. She was in the mood for citrus flavors and Mexican cuisine, so I made:

Sparkling Sangria Blanca (sangria blanca mix with champagne)
Damn fine Guacamole served with Santitas-brand tortilla chips
Fish tacos and fresh salsa
Spanish rice
Roasted corn, jicama, and mango salad
Easy Lemon Mousse with blueberries and shortbread
As a little party favor, Nancy took home a half dozen brown sugar chocolate chip cookies wrapped in white parchment and tied with a pretty ribbon.

At the end of the evening, we were stuffed and satisfied. Happy Birthday, Nance!


  1. Hey Lady!

    glad to see you back, you've been missed!

    And the fish tacos look fabulous!

  2. It was a great night and Laura is a terrific cook and good sport. She sent me home with a bit of everything and I enjoyed it all the next Thanks for a fabulous b-day meal. Nancy

  3. oh !! good !! great foto !


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