Monday, November 20, 2006

Planning Our Thanksgiving Menu

I'm happily curled up on my couch, home after teaching an 8 am course. Snow is falling outside, dusting everything with a glaze of white. The only sound is the ticking of pendulumed clock -- it's the perfect back-drop to tinker with our Thanksgiving menu.

~Thanksgiving 2006 Menu~
Dinner for 7 (5 adults, 2 children)


Golden Corn & Black Bean Salsa served with tortilla chips
Crudite Platter with Spinach Dip

-The Main Course-

Each place setting with be adorned with a
three-dimensional, foil wrapped chocolate turkey

Company's Coming Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Candied Yams - Mom
Sauteed Brussel Sprouts with Garlic - Dad
Cranberry Sauce - Nancy


As I start to cook, I'll update the above with hyperlinks to my results. In the meantime, many of the above are linked to source recipes (some of them are my own, however). I'm surprised by the number of essential Thanksgiving favorites that are "commercial" recipes: the Spinach Dip is by Knorr, the Green Bean Casserole has both Campbell's and French's products, the pumpkin pie is by Libby.

Still, I guess those are safe, comfortable brands resulting in safe, comfortable food. And that is a hallmark of Thanksgiving: the familiar and the homey.

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  1. Your Thanksgiving menu sounds wonderful. What a diverse selection of foods you have chosen. And I will give those mashed potatoes a try. I knew a delightful German cook who shared the secret for great potato dishes---sour cream! Have a great day.

  2. yummy!

    Did you happen to see the green bean & mushroom dish that was on party line with dan and steve? They made this amazing looking mushroom sauce and then fried up leeks I think to use instead of the traditional fried onion topping. I might have to try that next year. :)


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