Monday, November 20, 2006

Company's Coming Mashed Potatoes

There's a little bit of a story behind this: a few years ago, I was eating lunch at a church pot-luck. Pot-lucks are not know for culinary excellence. But there was one gem among the casseroles: a bowl of mashed potatoes.

I fwaped some on my paper plate, and settled in among everyone else to tuck in. Everything was fine, but the potatoes -- they were something special. Creamy, flavorful, delicious; they were the best I'd ever tasted.

So I hunted down the woman who made them and she -- generously -- gave me the recipe. I've made them a number of times in the past couple of years since then, and I've never had anyone not RAVE about them. They really are that good. I will never forget the first Thanksgiving I spent with Shane's family; I made these potatoes and people almost licked their plates. (Not a bad bit of in-law insurance.)

These potatoes can be made 4 to 5 days ahead, just be sure to leave plenty of time (around 45 minutes) for re-heating in the oven. Having said that, you can reheat them in the microwave, too.

Right out of the oven!

Company's Coming Mashed Potatoes

8-10 med. potatoes
16 oz. sour cream
8 oz cream cheese (softened)
1/3 cup chives, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
4 TBS butter

Peel potatoes, then boil until tender. With electric mixer, mash potatoes, sour cream, and cream cheese until it reaches your desired consistency. (If making ahead, cover with plastic wrap and store in refrigerator until ready to use.)

Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Fold chives into the potatoes and add salt and pepper. Transfer to a casserole dish. Dot with butter and sprinkle with paprika, covering with foil. Bake 35 minutes.

Serves 8 to 10.

Grade: A+


  1. i love mashed potatoes in any form.

  2. WOW--these sound very rich with the addition of both cream cheese AND sour cream. You are a wild and crazy girl Laura Rebecca (and I approve of that). I might normally be scared from reading a recipe like this, but if you give it a stamp of approval then I may just plunk these down on the thanksgiving table. No pressure though...

  3. Hee, hee, hee -- I don't think you'll be disappointed.

  4. sounds wonderfully decadent.

  5. Cream cheese AND sour cream in one potatoey dish. What could be better. Bring on that fat. The only reason I like Thanksgiving is the mashies.

  6. I was there at Thanksgiving--I'm grateful for good friends and good friends who are able to make mashed potatoes such as these. The company's coming mashed potatoes are heavenly and can be eaten with Thanksgiving or for breakfast, lunch, and dinner as far as I'm concerned.

    Pretty amazing. I love mashed potatoes in any form, but I've never had any quite as delicioso as these.

    Thanks my friend!

  7. What a surprise. I was surfing for this recipe, I always fix it at holiday time because you can make it ahead of time. We split our time between Arizona and Thousand Island Park now. As a former Canandaiguan for 33 years and having raised our 4 childern on Howell St. the McDonalds have deep roots in the "Chosen Spot" believe me there is not a better description.
    Hey, if you want a new twist on the recipe, I add two cloves of garlic, fresh rosemary, two tbs of olive oil then I mash this together with mortar and pestle. I also add two tbs. of Franks Red Hot Sauce, which gives the pototoes a rich flavor.
    Hi to all you lucky Canandaiguans, we miss you. The McDonalds

  8. OH THANK GOODNESS! The cookbook we have with this recipe is locked in storage... these are TO DIE FOR


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