Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Shameless Attempt To Get Free Chocolate

Cybele at CandyBlog posted on this: Nestle is debuting a new line of baking chocolate called Nestle Chocolatier. If you sign up as part of their "Official Online Team," they'll send you a coupon for a free bag of chocolate!!!

Better yet, for every 25 people who click on this link, they'll send me another coupon. (Better than THAT, if you sign up and put the link on your site, you can do the same exact thing.) So click here. Or here. Or here. Free chocolate!


  1. I clicked as many places as I could! Hope you get some chocolate!

  2. Nothing shameful about it! *Except it's too late I guess--no more free chocolate* I clicked it over and over for ya though! Let us know what happens.

  3. I'm clicking.. ohhh god I'm clicking.. hope you get a truckload! :D

  4. Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog from a comment you left on bakingsheet and I'm so glad I clicked on over. You have a beautiful site here and I will definitely be coming back. :)

  5. Thank you guys! Chocolate is a lovely thing.

    Christine -- I'm so glad you stopped by!


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