Friday, September 01, 2006

Favorite Turkey Burgers

Yum. Maybe I should make these for dinner tonight...

On Monday night, Shane brought home a new member of the family: a Perfect Flame grill. It was too late to cook dinner on it so the following night, we pledged to test it out.

Shane, having lived in Germany, has acquired a taste for all things encased in pig intestine; he wanted to grill bratwurst. While I'm up for the occasional sausage product, meat-stuffed-entrails tends to squick me out.

I went for turkey burgers. And God, I'm glad I did.

The recipe comes from The Martha. The burgers are moist and flavorful, with bursts of green onion and the lovely but subtle backdrop of dijon mustard -- really delicious. Kian wanted to know if we could have them again the next night. And the night after that. And the night after that. It's not easy to find recipes that appeal to both adult and kid palates, so this one's a keeper.

If you're barbecuing this weekend and looking for an alternative to beef, give this burger a try. Be sure to use the less-lean ground turkey (92-or 93-percent) keep things juicy.

Favorite Turkey Burger

1 1/2 pounds ground turkey
1/2 cup finely grated Gruyère cheese
4 thinly sliced scallions
1/4 cup dried breadcrumbs
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1 minced garlic clove
Salt and pepper

Heat grill to high. In a medium bowl, use a fork to gently combine ground turkey with Gruyère, scallions, breadcrumbs, mustard, and garlic; season generously with salt and pepper. Gently form mixture into four 1-inch-thick patties.

Lightly oil grill. Place patties on hottest part of grill; sear until browned, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Move patties to cooler part of grill; continue grilling until cooked through, 5 to 10 minutes per side. Serves 4.

Grade: A+


  1. "If you're barbecuing this weekend and looking for an alternative to beef..." hahahahahahhahhhe hehehee

    KIDDING! :)

    I do actually enjoy good turkey burgers. I stress "good" because as everyone knows they can dry easily. I have a recipe that I LOVE. However, the recipe is a bit spicy and incorporates quite a few ingredients into the burger. I would like to try these as I imagine the seasonings compliment the flavor of the turkey, rather than try to overwhelm it. Thanks for this post!

  2. I've never been a big fan of ground turkey (except I love the turkey Italian Sausage) but you've convinced me to try this. I'd sub 100% whole wheat bread crumbs and probably skip the bun or use whole wheat. I think it was the grated cheese in the mixture that convinced me.

  3. We had turkey burgers tonight...yours look way better.

  4. I found your site by linking from Pots & Pins, and I'm glad I did!! I have a pound of ground turkey in the fridge, awaiting preparation, and absolutely could NOT find any tasty looking recipes for ground turkey. This one looks really good, so I'll give it a try tonight. You have a wonderful website! :-) Thanks


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