Friday, June 30, 2006

Raspberry Freezer Jam

Yep, more jam. There were some brilliantly ripe raspberries for sale at the local farmers’ market and I couldn’t pass them up.

I had to make jam before I realized this but jam has twice the amount of sugar as it does fruit. Seriously: don’t think you’re eating preserved fruit with a dusting sprinkling of sugar. It's closer to Pixie Stix than Nature's Candy.

Which is probably why I wanted to make it.

The one issue with raspberry jam is that the berries are rife with firm little seeds. Even after straining half the mixture through a sieve, there are still tons of seeds. Next time, I will either buy 1 quart of raspberries and strain them down to 2 cups or strain 2 pints of raspberries and make up the difference with blueberries, strawberries, or a combination of both.

Raspberry Freezer Jam
2 cups prepared fruit (buy about 2 pt. fully ripe red raspberries)
4 cups sugar, measured into separate bowl
1 pouch CERTO Fruit Pectin
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice

Rise clean plastic (I used glass -- LR) containers and lids with boiling water. Dry thoroughly.

Crush raspberries thoroughly, one layer at a time. (Press half of pulp through a sieve to remove some of the seeds, if desired.) Measure exactly 2 cups prepared fruit into large bowl. Stir in sugar. Let stand 10 min., stirring occasionally.

In a small bowl, mix pectin with lemon juice. Add to raspberry mixture; stir 3 minutes or until sugar is dissolved and no longer grainy. (A few sugar crystals may remain.)

Fill all containers immediately to within 1/2 inch of tops. (I found that the jam began to gel after about 5 minutes. –LR) Wipe off top edges of containers; immediately cover with lids. Let stand at room temperature 24 hours. Jam is now ready to use. Store in refrigerator up to 3 weeks or freeze extra containers up to 1 year. Thaw in refrigerator before using. Yields 5 cups.

Grade: A


  1. It looks beautiful, Laura Rebecca! Since you are becoming a jam making professional, have you run across the issue of using sugar substitute in the jams? Will it work in freezer jams?

  2. Thank you Lis!

    I'm pretty confident I can say no on the sugar substitute though Sure Jell does make pectin that works for low/no sugar jams.

    Here's the site; there are recipes there as well.


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