Thursday, June 29, 2006

Jello Popsicles

Hey! Guess what! It’s summer vacation! You’ve got two whole months to do nothing but get in trouble!

Well, no. Not if you’re not a kid. Or a sitting president.

So maybe you still have to get up in the morning, put on your corporate casual clothes, commute to work and spend 8 hours trying to look busy by “conducting online research” when really, you’re just searching for internet porn and Paris Hilton’s latest single. (Is there a difference?)

But for a moment, try to recapture the rapture that is summer vacation: long lazy days spent lolling in the grass, riding bikes, swimming in the neighborhood pool, waiting for the faint jingle of the ice cream truck to approach your house.

Behold! The mighty popsicle: summer on a stick.

There’s something about the flavor of these popsicles (Sadie & I used raspberry) that screams JELLO! I can’t put my finger on it, but the brand has a taste all its own. The consistency is also different from a "regular" popsicle: a bit richer, perhaps from the gelatin. Not that it mattered to Kian and Sadie; they love them. They’re easy to make, the color is vibrant (gorgeous, actually) and they taste good. What can else can you ask of a frozen treat?

Jello Popsicles

The proportions are approximated, so you may need to adjust the measurements to suit your tastes and purposes.
¼ pkg. plus 1 tsp. of Jello mix
¼ cup plus 1 tsp. sugar
1 ½ cups boiling water

In a medium bowl, combine Jello, sugar, and water and stir until powders are dissolved. Taste, and adjust for sweetness (e.g., add more Jello or a bit more water). Pour into popsicle molds and freeze until hardened, at least two hours. Yields approximately six 3 oz. popsicles

Grade: For kids, A. For adults, B range

1 comment:

  1. Would Bill Cosby approve? Who cares! He kinda creeps me out now anyway...


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