Saturday, September 05, 2009

Coconut Macaroons and Confections of a Master Baker

A few weeks ago, Stephanie to participate in The Edible Word for Confections of a (Closet) Master Baker by Gesine Bullock-Prado.

The rules were to "pick a dish that she mentions in the book or an ingredient that she talks about. Find a recipe or create a recipe for that dish, pastry or ingredient, and make it! (or if you like, make one of the yummy recipes she's included in the book)

Post an entry with a picture to your blog and share with us what compelled you to pick that particular dish, and any history about the recipe you created or are using to make that dish."

Bullock-Prado's book is a fun read -- though the publishing company organized some of the recipes and chapters a bit oddly and I am bothered by the author's attitude toward people who aren't thin.

Bullock-Prado is known for her french-style, almond macaroons. It's a recipe and cookie near and dear to her heart, which she writes at length about. Unfortunately, it's so near and dear that she doesn't share her recipe with her readers.

Still all this talk about macaroons had me craving *coconut* macaroons and, fortunately, Bullock-Prado provides a nice recipe for these on her blog.

They come together quickly and easily -- and the result is absolutely delicious. I didn't dip these in melted dark chocolate, but that would be a nice touch!

Coconut Macaroons (adapted)

4 egg whites
3 ½ cups sweetened shredded coconut
¾ cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 300-degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper; set aside.

Combine all ingredients into a metal/heatproof bowl and set the bowl on a saucepan of simmering water. Stir occasionally to prevent the bottom from burning.

When the mixture is hot and has thickened slightly (about 10 minutes), use a medium sized cookie scoop, to scoop and drop batter onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the edges are dark golden brown, rotating the pans from front to back and top to bottom half-way through the baking time.


  1. Oh I love coconut macaroons. these look so yummy.:)
    This is my new blog with recipes

  2. Oh I had the same craving for the sweet coconut ones too.

    I guess I'm a rebel because while really pretty, I just don't get the fuss about the other ones (and yes, to anyone else reading this comment, I've had the real, real ones and stood in line in a cold Paris rain for them to boot.)

    I think I'm going to go make me a batch right now!

  3. Those look delicious! I've only made macaroons once myself, but they were chocolate!

    It's so cool that you used to live in NYC. It's one of my favourite cities. And you're right, the food is UNBELIEVABLE!


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