Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ultimate Finger Lakes Burger Challenge: IT'S ON!

Guess what?

I've been tapped to compete in Slice, Dice + Spice NY's Ultimate Finger Lakes Burger Challenge.

(YAY! And ... gulp.)

What's it all about? Here's info from the Slice, Dice + Spice site:

Are you ready to watch us build the Ultimate Finger Lakes Burger?

A total of nine Foodies have been selected to participate in each of the 3 Slice, Dice and Spice Farm Market Challenges at the Ontario County Farmers Markets in August. Each Foodie will be given $50 to use to purchase ingredients that they feel will create the Ultimate Finger Lakes Burger and side dish.

These Market Basket selections will be given to an Ontario County Chef (a select chef will be chosen for each of the 3 local Farmers Markets) and each of these Chefs will create three burgers and side using the very fresh from the farm, Finger Lakes ingredients. Then, the total of nine recipes will be posted on the Slice Dice and Spice NY website where YOU - Joey Q. Public - will be invited to try this recipe at home and vote ~ online for your favorite.

The shopping and cooking demonstration will be video taped and broadcast on the Slice Dice and Spice NY website and portions will be promoted on You Tube as well. This is a challenge that is live, lively and dependent upon you - the Ultimate Finger Lakes Foodie.

Did you see that? There will be online voting (hint, hint).

If you're in the area, please feel free to come down to the Canandaigua Farmers' Market this Saturday and watch the fun. Shopping starts at 8:30am, cooking begins at 9am. (I know it's early, but you can get a morning jolt with coffee from The Dalai Java and pastry from Kitchen Blessings or Peight Bakedgoods!)

If you can't make it, rest assured: I will remind you - repeatedly - to vote for me.

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting Laura Rebecca's Kitchen. I appreciate your leaving comments; I always enjoy reading them!

If you have a recipe recommendation, question, or would just like to send me an email, please click here.