Friday, February 06, 2009

Cinnamon Raisin Twists

When I lived on the Upper East Side, each morning I'd stop by the old Lexington Ave. location of Amy's Bread on the way to work. A tiny shop, it was filled with all sorts of goodies. Breads of course -- baguettes, whole wheat, sourdoughs, semolinas -- but what really lured me were the sweeter breakfast treats. The offerings changed daily, so a Monday might offer a French Blueberry muffin; Wednesday, perhaps a Zucchini Carrot Apple muffin; and Fridays always -- always!-- Cinnamon Challah knots.

So I would pop in and a few minutes later, I'd have my breakfast treat wrapped up happily in my hand. Already, the workday seemed brighter.

So when I realized that The Sweeter Side of Amy's Bread had been released, I had to get my hands on it. And when I got my hands on it, I baked the Cinnamon Raisin Twists.

So delicious and irresistable! Chewy, buttery, warm and sweet (but not too sweet)! I polished off most of this batch -- in fact, I hid the last twist from everyone else in the house so I could have it to myself.

Interested? Browse The Sweeter Side of Amy's Bread and even take a sneak peek at the Cinnamon Raisin Twist recipe.


  1. these look delicous ! I m a cinnamon sucker :)

  2. OH boy! Those look great!!! I'm thinking I have to be up that direction next week... may have to stop in and have something for you.

  3. I just this morning put that book on my Wishlist at Amazon and reserved it at my library to see if I really want it. I will definitely make the Twists--yours look amazing.


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