Monday, April 21, 2008

Sweet Soy-Grilled Short Ribs

Check out my step-by-step instructions for this recipe (with lots of pictures) on

The weather was so beautiful here on Saturday: bright sunny skies, warm weather (80-degrees in APRIL!), trees and flowers blooming, so we had our neighbors, Chris & Shelly, over for a little barbecue.

How could we not grill up some ribs? Mmm ... ribs.

These guys are sweet and tangy, with Oyster and soy sauces in the glaze helped along by fresh garlic, ginger, and scallions. Everything is enhanced by the grill -- flame-broiled goodness!

Sweet Soy-Grilled Short Ribs
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup Chinese oyster sauce
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup sake (Japanese rice wine), Chinese rice wine, or dry sherry
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 piece (1 inch) peeled fresh ginger, minced
2 scallions, white parts minced, green parts thinly sliced
About 3 pounds beef short ribs

Slice the short ribs into 1/2-inch pieces. If you can find bone-in short ribs, use them. But if you can only get the boneless variety (which is what happened to me) buy them anyway! Once you've cut the ribs into 1/2-inch portions, place them in a Tupperware container with a tight fitting lid. (This will help with marinating later on.)

In a small mixing bowl, add sugar, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sake (or wine or sherry), garlic, and the whites of the scallions. Whisk or stir with a fork until well blended. Pour the marinade over the ribs, seal container tightly with its lid, and marinate in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours. Halfway through your marinating time, flip the container upside down to allow the marinade to penetrate all of the meat. (If you don't have a Tupperware container, simply place the meat in a bowl with the marinade and cover with plastic wrap. Halfway through the marinating time, re-adjust the ribs, moving them around in the marinade for even coverage.)

When ready to cook, preheat your grill to high. Check the heat using the "Mississippi test" -- hold your hand about three inches above the grill grate; when the fire is at the right heat, you should only be able to count two or three Mississippis before you have to pull your hand away. Oil the grill grate (use long tongs to hold an oil-dipped cloth) and place ribs on grill. Cook until the ribs are done to your preference (about 3 to 4 minutes per side for medium) and nicely browned. Your ribs could cook more quickly, or take more time. So KEEP AN EYE ON THEM, especially if you're using the boneless variety of short ribs. When ready, move ribs from the grill to a bowl, platter or plates, sprinkle the scallion greens, serve and enjoy!


  1. This looks so yummy! I love the soy glaze.

  2. Sounds great -- that soy glaze is particularly intriguing!

  3. This sounds like a great way to cook short ribs- a great change from the usual barbecue-style sauce.


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