Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Something Exciting ...

If you're lucky enough, you have an Edible publication covering the area in which you live. And now I'M pretty lucky, because Edible Finger Lakes will launching in April, celebrat[ing] the abundance of local foods in the Finger Lakes region of New York State."

But then, I'm biased because I'm writing an article for their debut issue. I am actually putting all that writing and editorial experience to work for a topic I love. I'm writing about food, and getting paid for it!

I have to keep specifics on the "down low" (hee-hee) until the magazine premieres, but I'm covering a great story and interviewing very committed and enthusiastic people, so the article should be great. (I say "should" because I'm superstitious enough to think that something will horribly go wrong if I make a bolder statement. Lame, I know.)

Thanks to Garrett of Vanilla Garlic for his advice!

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