Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Love You but I’ve Chosen Karol Lu’s Champion Vegetarian Chili

PHOTO TK? The camera still isn't taking a charge. Sigh...

Not Eating Out in NY is Cathy's journal of, well, not eating out in NY. She's committed to not eating at ANY restaurants in the city in which she lives, instead creating her own recipes. The results are pretty fantastic, and if you haven't checked out her blog, please take a look.

Each recipe is accompanied by a cost calculator, which breaks down exactly how much it costs to prepare, and the "Brownie Point," which rates each recipe's health factor (one being the most healthy, and 10 being the least).

So now, in the month following Christmas -- December being a time when there was an excess of both cash-spending and calorie counting in this house -- I'm especially loving the recipes on Not Eating Out in NY.

I gave I Love You but I’ve Chosen Karol Lu’s Champion Vegetarian Chili a test run the other day. As the name implies, it's an award-winning chili, and let me tell you -- it's a vegetarian chili for those who are normally put off by vegetarian chili. It's flavorful, it's spicy, and it's just very good. We paired it with tortilla chips and grated cheddar; if I'd had sour cream in the house, I would have put a dollop on top as well.

Cathy's cost calculation was $10.22 for "a lot of servings" (it yielded 12 cups for me) and with a two brownie point health rating.

Click here for I Love You but I’ve Chosen Karol Lu’s Champion Vegetarian Chili recipe and enjoy!

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