Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Little Holiday Cheer

Every year, the George Eastman House hosts an exhibition of Gingerbread Houses created by people all over the Rochester area. Take a look at some of the lovely creations!


  1. Dear Laura.
    Great shots! Thank you for featuring the Eastman House gingerbread house exhibition on your site. Alas, Dec. 19 was the last day for the exhibition, but for holiday visitors please note three "houses" will be on view through New Year's Day in the elaborately decorated house. The dates for next year's gingbread house display, titled Sweet Creations, is Nov. 12 thur Dec. 17. Thank you, again!
    My best,
    Dresden Engle, public relations manager, George Eastman House

  2. Nice photos! I go to the Eastman House to see the gingerbread houses most years, but missed it this year.

    It's fun finding another Rochester-area food blogger!

  3. this is pretty darn cool. So sorry to have missed the exhibit! Happy holidays.


  4. Thank you for sharing these photos really make me want to make a gingerbread house; however, I did try to once and I know that it is hard work.


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