Thursday, September 06, 2007

Entertaining With the Sopranos

SCORE!!! I stepped into my department's conference room this morning to find a pile of books free-for-the-taking boxed up on the floor. I poked around and YES! There it was....

Entertaining with the Sopranos. Do you know how long I've wanted this book? Do you know how big a Sopranos fan I am? (Do you know how cheap I am that I haven't bought the freakin' thing before?)

But there it was, staring me in the face, completely free. (Perfect cover art, too.) Ahhhh. I am so, so happy.

And now I know exactly what book I'm using for the next WCC.


  1. I love free stuff, especially free cookbooks. I can't seem to get enough of them :)

    As a side note, are you going to do another retro recipe challenge? I was going to do the last one but didn't find a good enough recipe for it.

  2. OOOH OOOH OOOH!!! I just love that cookbook too but like you, I for some reason haven't bought it. I can't wait to see your post for WCC from it.

  3. Hi Carla! I've been shying away from the RRC due to 1) burnout & 2) low participation. But now that I've joined the daring bakers, I think the RRC will at least garner more participation. So that's my long way of saying, "Yes, probably within the next couple of months." :)

    Mary, it's pretty funny too, though now that I have it, I'm glad I didn't pay full price for it. If you want it, I'd suggest getting it a or someplace where you don't have to spend $20 or $30 for it.

    I think I'm going to make the anisette toast, simply because it reminds me of the Italian bakery around the corner from where my (Italian) grandma used to live. ("In my day, we didn't call it 'biscotti,' we called it 'anisette toast' -- and we LIKED it!")


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