Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday Morning Food Expedition in Rochester, NY.

My friend Nancy & I knocked around Rochester this morning, hitting the Rochester Public Market, Charlie's Frog Pond and Stever's Candy. Click this link and take a look! (Photo #31 is kind of NSFW.)


  1. Dear Laura Rebecca:

    Nothing says, "you're are an old fart!" quite like having to stop and look up "urban" words. NSFW? *sigh* Just get me a walker and put me in it! :)

  2. Well, I started school this week and it's my first chance to glance at your food blog in a week! What great photos!!! Thanks for coming with me to the market--always more fun with friends. The cheese shop is one of my favorite stops. Tell Angela (the lady at the cash register) Nancy sent you and don't forget to try the olive oil--it's made on the family's olive grove in Lucania.
    (I'm afraid of Facebook--help!)


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