Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Nutella S'mores

We had marshmallows. We had graham crackers. We had a campfire and long, lean sticks.

But no chocolate. Nutella was an excellent stand-in. In fact, I think I prefer it...

Nutella S'mores

1 graham cracker, broken in half
1 well toasted marshmallow (lightly browned on the outside, flowing and hot on the inside)
about two teaspoons of Nutella (more or less to taste)

Spread the Nutella on one half of the graham cracker. Top with marshmallow, followed by the other half of the cracker. Smoosh down and enjoy.


  1. Who is the evil one? :P

    Okay so marshmallows are fat free, and nutella has nuts - therefore this must be healthy!


  2. What a great substitute!! We always like to try different chocolates, but have never done nutella. I can't wait for our next camping trip!

  3. We always make our smores by preassembling them, wrapping them in aluminum and then tossing them on the coals for a minute. I'll bet the Nutella would work very well that way.

  4. These....leave me speechless. Yum!!! I have the crackers, have the marshmallows....ahhh! No Nutella...that little issue will be remedied very soon.....!

  5. Deborah, you mean Nutella isn't a camping staple? (No wonder I'm averse to camping...)

    Papa J, I hadn't heard about making s'mores that way before. I'll have to try that the next time we get the firepit going.

    Chris, you won't be disappointed!

  6. Completely brilliant - anything with Nutella is good.

  7. We just went camping with Nutella already in tow, grabbed marshmallows and graham crackers from the local market and thought we had discovered the best S'mores ever! We may have not been the first to discover it, but I don't think I could ever eat them any other way! (I prefer my nutella spread on both graham crackers though.)


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