Saturday, March 24, 2007

Easter Brunch Ideas

Fear not, bunny: hasenpfeffer isn't on the menu.

We're having a sizable crowd over for Easter this year: nine adults and four kids. I've decided to do brunch because:

A) it can be appropriately served anywhere from, say, 10 am to 1:30pm (and I don't know yet when people are going to arrive)


B) a lot of prep work can be done ahead of time, so I don't have to be chained to the kitchen when I'd rather be visiting with family.

Here's the menu I'm toying with:

Honey Baked Ham (Shane's mom ordered this -- thanks Sue! -- as part of a combo with a turkey breast. I think I'll save the turkey, as Shane's parents will be spending the week and we can always use a ready-to-eat meal.)
A strata (haven't decided which kind yet)
Baked French Toast
Roast potatoes or homefries
Roast asparagus
Fresh fruit
Irish Soda Bread (yes, hot cross buns are traditional, but this is pretty popular around here)
rolls, cheese and mustard (maybe ?) for ham sandwiches
coffee, tea, milk, OJ, Champagne (mimosas!)
Sugar cookies for the kids
Small chocolate bunnies for every guest (jellybeans for chocolate-hating Kian)

What do you think? I want to make sure there's something everyone will like (even the 18-month-old and the 3-year-old) and can tolerate (onions are out due to a guest's allergy, but scallions, leeks, shallots, etc., are in) . But God knows I always make more food than is needed. (My friend Nancy says it's the Italian in us -- too much food is fine but too little food is a disaster.)

Is there anything else I should make or substitute? Other suggestions?


  1. Oh, look at the bunny...I am a sucker for bunnies. Your Easter meal looks good.

  2. well heck I'm coming to your house as your menu is quite scumptuous. Over at PBE I posted I think last year a wonderful strata that I repeat often.

  3. Peabody, I am especially a sucker for floppy eared rabbits. We've been telling the kids that we'll get a bunny one of these days, and it will have to be the flop eared kind.

    Doodles, I'm going to have to check your recipe out. Thanks for the tip!


    LR I didn't know if you would find this so here is the link.


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