Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Peppermint Cacao Cocktail

Well, it's not a retro drink recipe, but it's a lovely little cocktail, chock-full of holiday cheer. Plus, what's more festive than a drink served in a martini glass?

For a prettier (but just as tasty) drink, use white creme de cacao.

Peppermint Cacao cocktail

¼ oz (1 ½ tsp) peppermint schnapps
½ oz (1 Tbsp) vodka
1 ¼ oz (2 ½ Tbsp) crème de cacao
1 small peppermint hard candy

Fill shaker with ice cubes and add cocktail ingredients. Shake until icy cold, then strain into a martini glass. Garnish with peppermint candy.

Grade: A

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