Friday, December 29, 2006

I'm not dead, I swear

Tulum, a Mayan ruin located south of Playa Del Carmen.

Things have been pretty slow around here lately -- just kind of hanging out and enjoying the post-Christmas quiet. They'll continue to be quiet on the blog until mid-January or so, as Shane and I heading to Playa Del Carmen in a few days. To say we're pretty excited would be a gross understatement. (I could try to transcribe my squeeing, but as my friend Jenny noted last night, even our dog Flurry can't hear sounds so highly pitched.)

So I'm signing off until 2007 but before I do, I just wanted to wish you a very happy New Year. Yay, 2007!


  1. Happy New Year!! Have an excellent time on your trip! =)

  2. What a perfect spot to spend a cold winter day. Say hola to Juan for me!

  3. Tulum
    I remember it well -
    a fabulous trip you have planned there -
    Happy 2007

  4. Happy New Year's to you and your family. I hope the trip was spectacular!


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