Friday, November 17, 2006

Retro Recipe Challenge #5: Boozy Holiday

I look forward to the holidays each year -- baking, listening to Christmas carols, sending out holiday cards -- but I also find them stressful. The over-crowded malls, the bleeding of money, the desire to get everything just right; sometimes it's just too much.

And that's when a visit with Johnny Walker comes in handy. He and his friends Captain Morgan, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels and the rest really help take the edge off a stressful holiday season.

You may say I'm a boozer, but I'm not the only one.

As such, the theme for Retro Recipe Challenge #5 is Boozy Holiday. Here's the nitty gritty:

Cook up a holiday-appropriate dish featuring alcohol OR mix up a festive holiday drink using a recipe first published between 1900 and 1980. For help in searching for a recipes, visit “helpful links” on the sidebar of Retro Recipe Challenge Blog.

If your religion or lifestyle prevents you from consuming alcohol, then you may submit a mocktail recipe.

Take a picture of your creation(if possible)
Post the recipe, the picture and your results on your blog. Please include:
--The year the recipe was published
--Where the recipe came from
--How it tasted
--A tag for --A link to this post

Send an email to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom by Friday, December 15 at 11:59pm EST. Please include:
--RRC#5 in the subject line
--your first name or blogging nickname
--your blog's name and your blog's URL
--the recipe name and the post's URL

I hope today you'll join us, and the world will drink as one.


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