Monday, October 16, 2006

Retro Recipe Challenge # 4: Fall Favorites

It’s that time of year again. There’s a crispness in the air. Apples and pumpkins are in season. The coats, gloves, and scarves emerge from storage. There’s Halloween AND Thanksgiving to celebrate.

It’s fall and it’s wonderful.

Retro Recipe Challenge #4 is all about Fall Favorites. Go on the hunt for old recipes that work well in fall: apple cider donuts, cheesy chicken casseroles, hot toddys, squash gratins, etc. – what ever makes you think “fall” and “retro” is perfect for this round.

Here are the details:
Cook up a recipe associated with fall and first published between 1920 and 1980
Take a picture (if possible)
Post the recipe and your results on your blog. Please include:
--The year the recipe was published
--Where the recipe came from
--How it tasted
--A tag for
--A link to this post

Send an email to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom by Wednesday, November 15 at 11:59pm EST. Please include:
--RRC#4 in the subject line
--your first name or blogging nickname
--your blog's name and your blog's URL
--the recipe name and the post's URL

That's it!

For help in searching for recipes, visit “helpful links” on the sidebar of Retro Recipe Challenge Blog. If you come across some resources that aren't listed, share the wealth! Leave a comment or send an email to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom .

Good luck and get cooking!


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