Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Candy Corn Cookies

These candy corn-shaped cookies from BettyCrocker.com were too cute not to make. They didn't come out as precise as Betty's (she must have a construction grade level in her kitchen) but they are darling.

Some baked up as tricks.

Some baked up as treats.

Some give new meaning to the term "food porn."

I found it difficult to spread this amount of dough into the bread pan evenly, so next time I'll either use my own sugar cookie recipe or double the amount of cookie dough.

As for the taste, I'm pretty impressed with what I got from a mix, although the additional vanilla I added probably didn't hurt either.

Candy Corn Cookies (slightly adapted from BettyCrocker.com)
1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix
1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Orange paste food color
2 oz semisweet chocolate, melted, cooled OR brown paste food color

Line a 8x4-inch loaf pan with plastic wrap, extending wrap over sides of pan. In medium bowl, stir cookie mix, butter and egg until soft dough forms.

Place 3/4 cup dough into a plastic zip-top bag. Knead desired amount of food color into dough until color is uniform. Press dough evenly in bottom of pan.

Divide remaining dough in half. Place one half into a plastic zip-top bag and knead in chocolate or brown food color until color is uniform. Press dough into pan on top of orange dough. Press remaining dough into pan on top of brown dough. Refrigerate 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until firm.

Heat oven to 375-degrees F. Remove dough from pan. Cut crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Cut each slice into 5 wedges. On ungreased cookie sheet, place wedges 1 inch apart.

Bake 6 to 8 minutes or until cookies are set and edges are very light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on pan, then move cookies to a cooling rack. Store in tightly covered container.

Grade: B


  1. These look more complicated than I'd be tempted to try (I have a similar recipe for a candy cane cookie that uses two colors of dough...it always sounds good when I start, and becomes annoying by halfway into the baking process...), but your tricks/treats/food porn photos are hilarious, and these do look really cute!

    The Inadvertent Gardener

  2. adorable cookies (and hilarious captions!) :)

  3. LOVE it!

    Happy Halloween Laura Rebecca!

  4. Now, that is food porn!

  5. hahahaha! I love the pictures! Those are just too adorable - and so is Sadie's costume! And yours too! hehe

  6. This is too funny. I do like the Dali candy corn cookies but the corny porny ones, you devil.


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