Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Sign of the Apocalypse


Premiering September 18, 2006

Rachael Ray, TV's most down-to-earth and relatable star, launches her brand new, one-hour daily syndicated series, appropriately named "Rachael Ray" on September 18. The show will be an exciting and unpredictable hour of fun that celebrates the can-do spirit in every person and gives viewers the essentials for whole-hearted living.

Host Rachael Ray will present simple solutions for everyday issues offering viewers unique take-away information as well as entertaining ways to squeeze just a little more out of life every day.

Showcasing Rachael's signature warmth, energy and her boundless curiosity for all aspects of life, the series will engage viewers and in-studio audiences with a personal, hands-on, celebratory approach to life the Rachael Ray way. While Rachael will continue to heat up the kitchen with her creative signature dishes, she will also take her audience beyond to explore all facets of life and good living.

There will be unpredictable escapades that will open eyes, encourage smiles and portray life in new, interesting ways. There will be no boundaries, no guidelines and no topics untouched. "Rachael Ray" will focus on the good of everyday people and celebrate life in its most authentic forms. Viewers will discover something new, learn something fun and realize that life just doesn't have to be that hard because everybody needs a little R and R.



  1. Being an Aussie and having no idea who this Rachel Ray is...why is this a sign of the apocalypse? What evil does she hide?

  2. Oh, I'm being melodramatic but Rachael Ray is EVERYWHERE in the States. She's best known for her Food Network show, 30 Minute meals, where she cooks up a good (depending on your outlook) meal in 30 minutes, along with cutesy catchphrases like "Yum-o!" or calling sandwiches "sammies." On top of that, she's on $40 a Day, Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels and Inside Dish. On top of THAT, she's got a slew of books and a magazine.

    She's over-exposed, both figuratively and literally. As such, I can only assume her continued media proliferation is the result of a bargain with Satan, and God's day of reckoning is at hand. Repent, sinners! (Especially you, Snadra. You have a lot to apologize for.)

  3. You're funny. I do agree, I'd had enough of her a few years ago. I don't like to watch her, although once in a while one of her recieps looks ok.

  4. she is what is wrong with this industry. no training, no real knowledge, no experience in the field. yet she is getting everything on a silver platter and idiots are eating it up. it pains me. i wish i was in Australia and didn't know who she was. that must be awesome.

  5. She has to take advantage of her over-exposure now before it all fades away.

  6. She might be cute and perky on TV or in print but we all know how horrible she really is! My favorite story is how at her magazine's launch party she forced all of her guests to listen to her husband's "rock" band. Evil!

  7. i hate her "e.v.o.o." thing. the annoying thing is she always says "extra virgin olive oil" after she says "e.v.o.o." why even bother with the acronym if you have to define it every time. oy.


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