Monday, September 11, 2006

Retro Recipe Challenge #3 Call for Suggestions

"Oh, I just don't know what to make!"

In two weeks, the next theme for the Retro Recipe Challenge will announced. But what should the theme should be?




Drug paraphernalia crafted from roadside-stand produce? (Mmmm-mmm!)

Post your ideas in the comments section below or send them to me at .
Thanks for your help -- you're the most!


  1. I vote for casseroles. What's more retro than that, and also something people don't blog about that much.

  2. Hhhmmmm...let's keep it in the family. How 'bout, "Mother's (or grandmother's) best recipe?"

  3. I like Kevin's idea of 'mothers' (family recipes?) - but only because it's doable for me as I don't have a casserole dish to go with Kalyn's suggestion and payday just won't come soon enough so I can get one!

  4. brightly colored! jello, sunshine cake...

  5. Uh-oh. The only thing my mom ever cooked was Bad Casseroles. Just kidding! I think a fall/autumnal theme would be fab... or anything related to those godawful bakesales that are gearing up at school. We could all make fudge- I know my husband would approve!

  6. Nothing original, but I'd place a vote for bakesale themes or birth-year recipes.

  7. I was leaning toweard a bakesale recipe until I saw the comment from emily on a birthyear recipe. It could be a bakesale item of your birth year - that's a bit reaching huh? lol


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If you have a recipe recommendation, question, or would just like to send me an email, please click here.