Monday, September 25, 2006

Announcing Retro Recipe Challenge #3

Whip out your aprons, warm up your ovens, and grab yourself a nip of sherry ‘cause it’s time for the latest Retro Recipe Challenge!

There were a number of wonderful theme ideas. But the one that got the most people buzzing was suggested by Bibliochef: a recipe from Gourmet published during the year of one’s birth.

It’s a terrific theme, but Gourmet’s archives aren’t up to the challenge. A quick search for “1977” yielded two recipes, “1955” yielded one, and “1940” didn’t turn up anything.

So let’s broaden things a bit: for Retro Recipe Challenge #3, create a recipe from any publication originally published within five years of your birth year.

For example, I was born in 1977 so I’ll look for recipes published between 1972 and 1982. This might include Chile and Chorizo Cornbread(1977), Pasta Primaveria(1975), or Chile Relleno Casserole (1982).

My mom was born in 1952, so she might whip up Lobster Newberg (1950), German Apple Pancakes (1952), or Barbecue Potato Cheese Meatloaf (1947).
If you can find a great recipe that comes from your year of birth, great! If not, you’ve got five years of wiggle room to find something you’re really interested in making. (This IS about having fun!)

The Nitty Gritty:

  • Cook up a recipe published within five years of your birth year
  • Take a picture (optional – if you can’t do it; don’t worry!)
  • Post the recipe and your results on your blog. Please include:

    *The year the recipe was published
    *Where the recipe came from
    *How it tasted
    *A tag for RRC3
    *A link to this post

  • Send an email to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom by Sunday, Oct. 15 at 11:59pm EST. Please include:

    *RRC#3 in the subject line
    *your first name or blogging nickname
    *your blog's name and your blog's URL
    *the recipe name and the post's URL
  • That's it!

    If you don’t have a blog, you can still participate! Please click here for details.

    For help in searching for recipes, visit “helpful links” on the sidebar of Retro Recipe Challenge Blog. If you come across some resources that aren't listed, share the wealth! Leave a comment or send an email to RetroRecipeChallengeATgmailDOTcom .

    Of course, you don’t have to limit your search to online resources. Check out the library, scour garage sales, mess around in Grandma’s attic.

    I can’t wait to see what everyone whips up – good luck and get cooking!

    HUGE thanks to Kalyn, Kevin (aka Acme Instant Food ), Ellie, Rachel, Gena, Emily, Doodles, and Lis for their input and theme suggestions. You guys are grea! I can’t wait to tackle all of your wonderful ideas.



    1. Can't wait to take part, will start hunting for a recipe now ;)

    2. I'm hunting now as we speak.

    3. Hhmmm...okay. I gotta comb through the stone tablet archives for a pterodactyl pie recipe.

    4. Um. So what about the folks who no longer remember the year of their birth because they've been prevaricating and downright lying about it for so long?

    5. Peabody, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

      Biblio, I hope you're planning on whipping up something too.

      We've all seen your picture, Acme. You're so full of it.

      Hee hee, AK. What do YOU have to lie about? Pick a good year!

    6. Yes!

      I found out about this before it ended...and for the record, I have Gourmet magazine going back to it's start in 1941...

      Only problem: I don't publish recipes on my blog, I only summarize. Sorry, best I can do there.

    7. Wow -- very cool Stephanie.

      Don't worry about the recipe. If there's a one online you might link to, that would be great. If not, no worries!


    Thank you for visiting Laura Rebecca's Kitchen. I appreciate your leaving comments; I always enjoy reading them!

    If you have a recipe recommendation, question, or would just like to send me an email, please click here.