Monday, August 14, 2006


Galley kitchen, I'm leaving you for another. Another with wide, open spaces and custom built cabinetry. It's not me; it's you.

We're closing on the sale of our house tomorrow (yay!) and the purchase of our new house ... uh... this week (I hope). It could even be as early as tomorrow. I should know more in a few hours.

As such, the blog will be on hiatus this week while get our acts together. Today, we're picking up the moving truck and loading it up with the help of some neighbors, doing last minute packing, and waiting for the utility companies to arrive for final meter reads. (You're jealous, I know.)

We'll probably be into the new house by Friday -- perfect timing, as Time Warner will hooking up our Road Runner connection that very day. (I'm not sure how I'll live without internet until then. Though there is a coffee shop right around the corner with WiFi. Caffeine AND wireless: does it get any better?)

If we can't close on both houses on the same day, we'll be staying at The Hotel Jenny. (A giant thank you to Jenny for her hospitality!)

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed and thanks for the many well wishes many have sent!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you! Good luck on the move!

  2. Congratulations on the house sale finally moving along to completion! Can't wait to see what new delicious dishes you cook up in your new, spacious kitchen (with custom-built cabinetry, hehehe!).

    Good luck with the move, hope everything goes smoothly :)

  3. Good luck, congratulations and remember to leave a bottle of Tylenol in a "carry with ya bag" for easy accessibility!!!

  4. Ha -- I just came back from the store with a bottle of ibuprofen.

    Thank you all for the support.


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