Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Update: Closin' Cookies

It KILLED me not to mention this in the original Closin' Cookies post, but I did not on the advice of our realtors. I think now, however, I can safely reveal the story:

We put the house up for sale on a Friday night.

The next day - Saturday - we had two parties look at the house. The parties were offered fresh-baked, chocolate chip cookies .

By Saturday night, we had an offer. We accepted it on Sunday afternoon.

So thank you cookies. Thank you for selling our house.


  1. Congrats to you and the cookies.

  2. Congratulations! Now.. bake me something that will win me the lottery. Hurry!

  3. Thank you guys! (Lis: I'm working on it for all of us! ;) )

  4. well send me those cookies or at least post me the recipe cause we just listed our house. congrats that is wonderful news

  5. Good luck selling your house Doodles! Please click on the hyperlink in the post for the recipe.


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