Thursday, July 13, 2006

RRC#2 Submission: Lime Honey Dressing

So appealing, don't you think?

The recipe for Lime Honey Dressing comes from the 1957 edition of Helen Corbitt’s Cookbook. Corbitt was the director of restaurants at the "famous" Neiman-Marcus store in Dallas. Here’s a partial description from the bookflap:
This Yankee-born authority on food is a truly creative cook and superlative party-giver. Earl Winston called her “the greatest cook in Texas.” The Duke of Windsor asked her how she made the Avocado Mousse she served him in Houston. Governors, politicians, college presidents, oilmen, and literary figures have for years requested the recipes for the superb dishes she created for Neiman-Marcus’ Zodiac Room.

Based on this recipe, I don’t know what all the fuss was about. It's dressing in theory: you know it’s there, but you can’t taste it. Even after I doubled the amount of lime juice, I could just barely detect a citrus flavor. Meh.

Hence, I’d serve this on an iceburg lettuce salad for a retro weenie roast: the titles of both just set you up for disappointment.

Lime Honey Dressing

1/3 cup lime juice
1/3 cup honey
1 cup salad oil
½ tsp. paprika
½ tsp. prepared mustard
½ tsp. salt
Grated peel of 1 lime

Blend all ingredients and keep in a cool place.

Grade: C

1 comment:

  1. You know, I make a salmon and mango salad with lime honey (and ginger) dressing, and it's wonderful. Who knew they were mixing similar flavors back in the day?


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