Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hasty Chicken Salad

Taken at Baker Park, Canandaigua, NY following the soccer game.
(Photo Credit: Shane)

Last Friday was Kian’s first game in his traveling soccer league -– a lovely league, as the traveling is, at most, 25 miles. (That, and I avoid all the parents at the game who can't open their mouths but to brag about their little Skylar or Sienna. )

The game was held in Canandaigua’s pleasant Baker Park, a huge stretch of green equipped with jogging paths, a playground and (of course) soccer fields.

It was one of those perfect almost-summer evenings: sunny yet comfortable, the gentle blowing of a cool breeze, and bugs that weren’t interested in biting. I spread out a blanket on the grass and while Kian was playing, Shane, Sadie, and I ate a picnic dinner.

If all this sounds serene, it’s only because an hour earlier I was running around like a chicken without a head trying to pull together dinner, all while making sure Kian was dressed for the game, arranging to get Sadie home from her friend’s house, and figuring out where in the hell Shane was ("stuck in another meeting") and when he’d be home ("soon").

The result is this Hasty Chicken Salad. I didn’t have apples on hand when I made this so I threw in celery instead. Trust me: go with the apples.

Hasty Chicken Salad

16 oz. shredded chicken
2 golden delicious apples, peeled, cored and chopped
¾ cup grapes, cut in half
½ cup walnuts, chopped
1/3 cup mayo, more or less to suit
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tsps. Curry powder, more or less to suit (if using, omit pepper)

Combine chicken, apples, grapes, walnuts and mayo, mixing to combine. Add salt and pepper or curry; mix again.

Grade: B+ to A-


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