Monday, June 19, 2006

Finger Lakes Ice Cream

There were a few vendors at the New York Wine and Culinary Center when Andrea and I visited on Saturday , and the wonderful guys from Finger Lakes Ice Cream were among them, dishing out samples.

Each ice cream base (either chocolate or vanilla) features swirls of one of four flavors: Strawberry Cream Chardonnay (in vanilla), Chocolate Cabernet Sauvignon (in vanilla), Amaretto Cream Sherry (in chocolate), or Finger Lakes Grape (in vanilla).

We sampled the Chocolate Cabernet Sauvignon and the Amaretto Cream Sherry -- both were superb, though I preferred the Amaretto Cream Sherry (it's in chocolate, so that's not surprising). They're creamy, sweet (not too sweet) and nicely flavored with the wine/liquor essence for a delicious effect. It's sophisticated but not stuffy -- a nice way to end a casually elegant summer meal.

We couldn't take any home with us at that point -- it topped 90 degrees this weekend -- but we were told we could stop in at Amberg Wine Cellars for cones and pints. The company also hopes to have its ice cream in Wegmans shortly.

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