Friday, June 02, 2006

Another, Less Gentle, Reminder: The Retro Recipe Challenge's Deadline Looms

It’s getting down to the wire, folks! We’re at DEFCON ... uh ... something that indicates that the deadline for the Retro Recipe Challenge is a week away. Because it is. June 9 at 11:59pm EST.

The challenge for round one (Yes, the very first; you can be a culinary pioneer) is to make any kind of dish (delicious or disgusting) from a recipe first published between 1920 and 1975, post it on your blog and send me the link. I'll host the round up. Click
here for full details and ideas. (Wheee! It's fun!)

For those of you leaning towards the grotesque (as I am) here’s a little inspiration:
Luncheon Loaf Dot Com, “dedicated to the lost art of luncheony loafiness.” Mmm, mmm good. (Plus, you can buy a t-shirt emblazoned with a picture of Tomato Aspic!) I can barely contain myself.

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  1. Hi Laura Rebecca,
    I've just emailed you the link for my entry:

  2. Oh, and the truly scary thing is that the Shrimp Chili Mold recipe doesn't sound too

  3. I know -- not ALL of them sound hideous. But I feel like a tastebud-less wonder by saying that.

  4. Laura Rebecca -

    I just emailed you as well, but here's the link depending on what's easier -
    What fun! Thanks for hostessing.



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