Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tea & Sympathy's Spicy Ginger Cake

There is something about this cake that demands it be eaten along with a good cup of tea. As it is served in the Tea & Sympathy teashop, that makes a lot of sense.

It is amazingly delicious. The inside is sticky and soft, packed with sweetness and ginger spiciness. The edges are firmer (though still sticky) and carmelized, almost like a buttery candy. The color is simply gorgeous: a medium golden brown.

Eating it makes me feel like I’m at Tea & Sympathy, sipping vanilla cream tea out of a pretty little cup. In the background, the waitresses are affectionately teasing each other, and silverware clinks gently. I’m at a small table, bumping my knees against my husband's while fighting him to get the last morsel of custard-drenched ginger cake.

Since our trip to Toronto was just cancelled (nothing like having a training company cancel a session only 5 days before it's supposed to start...), I need a little tea and sympathy -- and a slice of ginger cake.

Tea & Sympathy's Spicy Ginger Cake

2 c. all purpose flour
2 Tbsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 c. dark brown sugar
4 eggs
1 stick butter, softened
1 ½ c. golden syrup

Preheat oven to 350-degrees F. Butter and flour a 13 ½ x 4 ½ x 4-inch loaf pan (I baked this in a 13x9 pan). Mix together dry ingredients. Mix in eggs, one at a time. Add butter, followed by golden syrup. Bake 40-45 minutes. The cake may sink slightly but will still taste fantastic.

Grade: A+

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  1. Mmm....this sounds wonderful!

    Now, tell me about this vanilla tea...?!

    Thanks for joining the party!

  2. Hee hee -- my favorite is the Vanilla, but they have TONS of tea flavors both "regular" and herbal:

    Apricot, Green tea, Green vanilla, Yorkshire gold, Assam, Jasmine, Black mint, Lapsang souchong, Blackberry, Mango, Blackcurrant, Peach, Black ginger, Rose petal, Blueberry, Seville orange, Ceylon, Typhoo, Cinnamon, Typhoo decaf, Chocolate & vanilla, Earl Grey, Earl Grey decaf, Vanilla, Apple peach, Strawberry kiwi, Apple mango, Mint, Ginger, Orange & Pear, Chamomile, Rose hip, Chamomile lavender.

    The blackcurrant is pretty damn fabulous, too.

  3. I can see me having this on a rainy day with a hot cup of coffee.Loook great!

  4. My gawd that looks heavenly! I'm drooling upon my keyboard, which is probably not a good thing, so thanks. hehee

    You keep impressing me with your KICK ASS recipes.. ty ty :D


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