Friday, May 05, 2006

The "L" in Laura Stands for "Lame"

I've been getting a fair amount of hits, but no comments, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

It's because I'm an idiot.

I enabled the "moderate comments" feature on blogger, which I thought would just allow me to delete "phising" comments. I was wrong. The feature requires bloggers to review every comment BEFORE posting and doesn't list anything until that's done.

Let the chips fall where they may -- no more moderation! (Really, why should the comments be any different from the amount of butter and sugar I use?)

To all the lovely people who've left comments: thank you so much for doing so! I really appreciate it .

1 comment:

  1. heh -- I do stuff like that all the time. Glad it is all squared away so you can see your lovely comments now! ;o)


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