Friday, May 26, 2006

Gentle Reminder: Retro Recipe Challenge

Just a reminder: the deadline for the first Retro Recipe Challenge is only two weeks away!

Here are the details for our first challenge: make any kind of recipe first published between 1920 and 1975. The point here is to find an old recipe and have fun creating it. When possible, cite your source, the year it was published, and take photos! (
Here’s an example.)

Post your results on your blog and then submit your link to . All submissions need to be in by June 9 at 11:59pm EST.

I hope you'll join in -- I can't wait to see what you've cooked* up!

*I almost wrote "coked" up there. Maybe we can do that for a 1980s recipe retrospective.

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  1. Yeah, yeah, working on it. I think I've found the inspiration today. It's been harder than I thought to find something suitably retro. I'll make it--but I'm not promising that I'll eat it.

  2. Thank you.

    And I expect you to eat all the vegetables on your plate. Yes, including the lima beans.


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