Saturday, May 13, 2006

Announcing Retro Recipe Challenge #1!

RRC #1 Challenge has been posted. Please take a look!

One of my favorite sites is The Gallery of Regrettable Food. Such loving care seems to have been put into each recipe – but the results are just appalling.

When did
benedictish frankwiches seem like a good idea? Why?

Let’s find out.

Here’s the challenge for round 1: make a dish of any kind from a recipe first published between 1920 and 1975. Unlike the Gallery of Regrettable Food, your creation does not have to be gross. It can be utterly beautiful and absolutely delicious. (But if it’s gross, that’s OK too; frankly, I’m kind of curious to see someone make aspic.)

The point here is to find an old recipe and have fun creating it. When possible, cite your source, the year it was published, and take photos! (
Here’s an example.) Post your results on your blog and then send me the link between now and June 9. I’ll post the round up shortly thereafter.

Looking for resources? Try these:

The Food Timeline

Fanny Farmer's Boston Cooking School Cook book

Peggy's Antiquated Recipes: The Twenties

Some searching and digging is required, but it take a look at
Uncle Phaedrus: Consulting Detective + Finder of Lost Recipes

I've also had luck doing Google search for "Recipes" plus the decade (e.g.,
Recipes 1930) .

Don't forget to peruse your local library, scour some garage sales (I found a 1960's cookbook published by the Alabama Peanut Producers Association...), and dig through your Mom's or Grandma's (or Dad or Grandpa's) bookshelf.

Let’s party like it’s 1955 – get cooking!

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  1. Great challenge, Laura Rebecca!

    Count me in!

  2. Ivonne, seriously: God bless you. I was/am worried that no one will participate.

    But if it's just you and me, we can throw on our pearls and high heels, eat our gelatinous salads, and drink one too many Mai Tais.

  3. This sounds like fun! Unless there is a catastrophe, I'd love to participate.

  4. I'm totally in. I have several bookshelves full of old's my hobby!

    This should be fun. Great idea!


  5. Is there a limit to the number of recipes we can submit?


  6. WW, for this round, let the good times roll. Submit as many whipped lime suprises as your heart desires. ;)

  7. GAME ON!!! Send Wally and the Beaver out of the kitchen 'cause things are about to heat up! hehehee


Thank you for visiting Laura Rebecca's Kitchen. I appreciate your leaving comments; I always enjoy reading them!

If you have a recipe recommendation, question, or would just like to send me an email, please click here.