Sunday, March 26, 2006

Crock-pot Pulled Pork

Another Saturday, another dinner party! Last night, we had Carolyn (not the banana bread Carolyn; a different one) and her family (sans teenage daughter, whose band was invited to play in Disney World) over for what turned out to be a smorgasbord:

Pulled pork sandwiches, shells and cheese, homemade apple sauce, hand-picked and home-frozen corn (we thawed it before eating), sparkling grape juice, salad, icebox cake, coffee, fudge and sugar cookies (plus cheddar cheese, wheat crackers, pepperoni, and Asian-flavored rice snacks for hors devours).

Needless to say, my jeans are a bit tight today.

I love making pulled pork; it’s effortless and delicious. Plus, it fills the house with a wonderful smell while it’s cooking.

Crock-pot Pulled Pork

1 Pork Shoulder "Butt," preferably boneless*
1 19oz. bottle of Dinosaur Barbeque’s Sensuous Slathering Sauce,** plus another for serving

Rinse and pat the pork butt dry. Place a thin layer of BBQ sauce in the bottom of your crock-pot. Place the pork, fatty side up, into the crock-pot and slather with the rest of the BBQ sauce in the bottle. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours.

When finished, the meat will be extremely tender; a steak knife will easily poke through. To shred, cut chunks from the butt and pull apart with two forks. Serve with the liquid in the crock-pot (run the liquid through a fat separator) and additional BBQ sauce, if desired. It’s great on a bun, mixed with rice, or all by itself.

Grade: A

*aka, Boston Butt. Ask your butcher for help in determining a good serving size for your needs.

**or your favorite brand of BBQ sauce

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Blogger,

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    Stop by when you can!!
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    Thanks again!!


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